Chemical Symbol
The chemical symbol is an abbreviation of the name of each chemical element discovered and expressed in the periodic table.
A chemical element is a type of matter that is basically classified by the atomic number or quantity of protons, its chemical symbol, the name of the element and its atomic mass.
The periodic table sorts the chemical elements in a table according to their atomic number, electron configuration, and chemical properties.
Chemical symbols help everyone regardless of the language they use to identify the element according to the chemical universal symbol given to each of the elements.
The symbols of some of the best known chemical elements are:
- H for hydrogen
- Cu for copper
- I have for helium
- F for phosphor
Chemical symbols are also used to abbreviate the elements that make up a certain matter such as, for example, water is made up of two molecules of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen, which is why it carries the chemical symbol of H2O
Chemical Element and Chemical Symbol:
The chemical element is a substance defined by a set of atoms that have the same number of protons in their nucleus called the atomic number.
A chemical element is considered to be the simplest form of a substance , that is, a substance that no chemical reaction can further decompose. That is why the chemical element only contains one class of atoms .
The atomic number determines the element, such as an atom with:
- a proton in its nucleus will be an atom of the chemical element Hydrogen,
- two protons in its nucleus will be an atom of the chemical element Helium,
- three protons in its nucleus will be atom of the chemical element Lithium,
and so on with all the elements and Chemical Symbol
The chemical elements and their characteristics are summarized in what is called a periodic table of the elements . In the periodic table all the chemical elements are ordered in rows by their atomic number.
Each chemical element has an atomic symbol in addition to the atomic number, which is the abbreviation of the element.
The chemical element forms simple substances, for example, dioxide is a simple substance represented as O2 made up of two atoms of the element oxygen.
What is chemistry?
Chemistry is the science that studies matter, how it is composed, its properties and how its structures transform after undergoing various processes or reactions that affect its molecules and atoms.
It is worth mentioning that matter is everything that surrounds us, composed of molecules and atoms that react to various chemical changes, and that can be related to the release of energy in some cases.
Studies in chemistry are carried out in laboratories and employ the scientific method. This has allowed the discovery of various materials, their compositions, how they are related or transformed. Hence, elements that are basic in other scientific studies have been discovered.
Branches of chemistry
Chemistry is one of the most important sciences since its object of study is a matter, that is, everything that surrounds us in daily life.
Chemistry is a science that covers many areas of study that have generated different branches or classifications of chemistry studies.
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry is one of the main branches of chemistry, from which the elements and chemical compounds that contain carbon (carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds) are studied.
Some examples of these substances are methane (CH 4 ) and acetic acid (CH 3 COOH). Among other utilities, organic chemistry allows the study and analysis of the molecular bases of living beings.
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry is also one of the most important branches since it studies chemical elements and compounds that do not have carbon-hydrogen bonds, as well as acids and bases. Some examples of these substances are water (H 2 O) and ferric oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ).
Study the composition, interaction and chemical reactions at the molecular level of living things, therefore, these are studies that focus on understanding how organisms work. This branch is associated with studies of genetics and molecular biology.
Analytic chemistry
Branch of chemistry that studies the chemical composition of a material or sample, using different chemical and/or physicochemical methods. It can be quantitative and/or qualitative. Analytical chemistry is widely applied in quality control processes in industries.
Physical chemistry
It is the branch of chemistry that studies matter taking into account both its physical and chemical properties, which makes it possible to establish models and/or theories of study.
Industrial Chemistry
Industrial chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the production of materials and chemicals in an industrial environment. Also called an industrial chemistry career in Engineering focused on this matter.
Object of study of chemistry
The object of study of chemistry is matter, including living organisms (animals, plants, people). Therefore it is a science that focuses on understanding how it is structured, composed, transformed and works, especially from the smallest structures that are atoms and molecules.
Importance of chemistry
The different branches of chemistry have made it possible to develop various study methods and theories in order to better understand the studies on the subject.
The importance of chemistry rests with the study of matter and living organisms in order to better understand how everything around us and in our body works.
For example, how one material is affected when mixed with another, how products can be developed based on generating a better quality of life, among many other things.
Chemistry and its applications are in many of the activities we do every day, hence it is one of the most important sciences.
What is an Element symbol
An element is a piece, foundation, a mobile or integral part of a thing. An element is a physical or chemical principle of bodies.
In chemistry, an element is a substance made up of atoms that have the same number of nuclear protons.
Element also refers to the environment in which a living being lives and develops.
In classical antiquity, an element was considered to be a principle that constituted bodies and was earth, water, air, and fire.
In the plural, they are also the foundations and principles of a science or knowledge as well as natural forces capable of altering atmospheric or climatic conditions.
It can also be used with a meaning similar to ‘medium’ and ‘resource’.
The word ‘element’ is also used to refer to a person valued in a negative way .
Communication elements
In a generic way, it is considered that in a communicative process there are a series of essential elements: the sender, the receiver, the code, the channel, the message and the context. Although they do not always appear, in communication there are sometimes two elements called noise and redundancy.
Weather elements
The elements of the climate are the series of components that serve to characterize certain weather. To determine the characteristics of a climate, several elements are distinguished. Some of them are temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, atmospheric pressure, evaporation and cloudiness.
Elements of the State
There are different conceptions of a State. However, in a generic way, it can be considered that the elements that make up a state are the territory, the people and the political power. The people are the inhabitants or the population that lives in a country. The territory is the land, air and sea space that makes it up. Political power is subdivided into the legislature, the judiciary and the political power.
Chemical element
A chemical element is a certain type of matter made up of atoms of the same class. The chemical elements appear collected in the periodic table.
An example may be oxygen (O) and iron (Fe). A chemical element cannot be decomposed into a simpler substance by a chemical reaction. The so-called simple substances are made up of a single element, such as ozone (O3).
What are the Elements of communication?
The elements of communication are:
- Transmitter.
- Receiver.
- Code.
- Message.
- Communication channel.
- Noise.
- Feedback.
The elements of communication are all the factors that intervene in the process of sending and receiving a message. Each element provides a value that, depending on the circumstance, helps to improve or distort communication.
The issuer is the starting point of the communication process. He is the one who issues the message.
An example of a sender is the person who makes a phone call to start a conversation with another.
The receiver is the one who receives the message. You can receive the message and not respond, but if you do, stop being a receiver to become a sender.
An example of a receiver would be the one who receives the call and listens to the sender’s message.
Code or language
The code or language is the set of signs that are available to transmit a message. The code can be transmitted verbally or non-verbally.
An example of code is the Spanish language that two people use to converse.
The message is the content that you want to transmit from the sender to the receiver. The message is made up of a combination of system of signs or symbols that transmit a concept, idea or information that are familiar to both the sender and the receiver.
An example of a message would be the reason the sender is calling (to give a news, make an invitation, a claim, etc.).
Communication channel
The communication channel is the physical medium through which the message is transmitted from the sender to the receiver. Air is the most common physical means of communication, but so are the telephone, cell phone, email, voice, among others.
An example of a communication channel would be the telephones of the sender and the receiver, which allow communication between the two.
Noise is any signal that distorts the original message that the sender wants to transmit. The noise can be ambient, channel, emitter, message or receiver noise.
It is important to know how to recognize where the noise is coming from in order to reduce or eliminate it to create a clear and effective communication process.
An example of noise may be that the sender uses English words or phrases, and that the receiver does not know the language. This will create a distortion in the conversation.
Feedback is a mechanism of control of the message by the issuer.
Because the communication is circular and both the sender and the receiver are constantly changing roles, the feedback determines the effectiveness of the messages sent by the sender, who can check if the message was received and interpreted appropriately.
An example of feedback would be a question and answer exchange between sender and receiver. As their roles change continuously throughout the communication process, there is feedback.
It is the situation in which the communication process is generated. It includes emotional, social, circumstantial factors, etc. and can have an influence on the exchange of ideas.
An example of context might be trying to have a phone conversation during a party. In this case, the context (the party) can, in turn, be a distortion or noise factor in the communication if it prevents the process from being carried out effectively.
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