Trademark symbol ™

Trademark symbol ™

The trademark symbol ™ is applied as a notification that a trademark of a commercial product or service has not been officially registered at the National Patent Office, but the registration process has been approved. The term process of making a product we have approved using a process like this, but the products produced have not been officially registered.

The symbol TM means: “TradeMark”

It is used in common law countries (United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) to designate a trademark NOT registered, and used in trade. The purpose of this practice is to inform third parties and potential counterfeiters of the owner’s intention, to claim their trademark rights on a term, slogan, logo or other signs used as a trademark.

Please note: In these countries, trademark rights arise from the use, which is not the case in the Benelux or in European countries.
In Europe, it could, for example, be used to inform third parties that a request for registration has been filed with authority or organization authorized to grant intellectual property rights.
However, we advise you to wait for registration and only use the (r) once the mark has been registered.

Registered Trademark symbol®

The symbol ® is used as a trademark notification of a commercial product or service that has been registered at the National Patent Office. The exclusive rights of a registered trademark will continue to be owned as long as the trademark is re-registered by the owner regularly (usually every 5 years). So this symbol is embedded if the trademark is officially registered.

For brands that have been registered locally to be recognized internationally, it must be registered in other countries in the relevant department, for example: in America, it can be registered at the Department of Commerce. It is intended that the mark also gets legal protection in the country concerned.


The symbol © is used as a copyright notice for all creative work (Literature, artistic, etc.)
Copyright is a type of intellectual property rights, but copyright differs markedly from other intellectual property rights (such as patents, which provide monopoly rights over the use of the invention), because copyright is not a monopoly right to do something, but the right to announce or reproduce his creation or give permission for it by not reducing restrictions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The symbol ® means: “Registered”

It is used to indicate that the mark has been registered with a national or regional intellectual property office.
Its use is not compulsory but highly recommended. It lets third parties know that the brand is protected and that its owner intends to assert its rights. It’s a bit the equivalent of the “Private Property” sign.

In certain situations, it is important to affix it, for example, when using the brand within the framework of a license agreement, of a distribution agreement when the products are distributed by a person other than the brand owner or in case of co-branding because the brand is not used by the owner.

Note: In some countries, the affixing of the symbol ® on packaging when the brand is not registered may constitute an act of unfair competition liable to fines, imprisonment or other convictions depending on the different jurisdictions (eg Germany, Brunei, India, Japan, and Korea).

Even though we are used to seeing these symbols everywhere, we have noticed that most people do not know that they have different uses and applications. What is more, many people do not even know how to write them. This is why we have created this little guide on the use of the trademarks symbol™ , trademark symbol® and copyright © symbols, as well as some other symbols.

How to type trademark symbol ®

Press and hold ALT then press 0, followed by 1, 7, 4. You will get ®.

Copy paste trademark symbol ®

NOTE: The quickest way to write these symbols is to simply copy them. Add it to your favorites! to this page.

How to write the symbols ™, ® and © in windows

Each symbol is associated with a keyboard shortcut. To insert them, hold down the “Alt” key (to the left of the space bar) and type one of the following number sequences:
Alt + 0153 for the tm ™ trademark symbol
Alt + 0174 for the registered trademark symbol r ®
Alt + 0169 for the copyright symbol c ©

For Microsoft Office, there are two additional options. The simplest is to type ™, (r) or (c) and the automatic corrector will take care of the rest. The other alternative to get these symbols is to use Insert> Symbols

ALT Code for windows, mac, HTML and emacs

Symbol Unicode Windows Mac HTML Emacs
® U+00AE REGISTERED SIGN Alt+0174 Alt+r ® C-x 8 R
U+2122 TRADE MARK SIGN Alt+8482 Alt+2 C-q 2 0 4 4 2 RET
U+2120 SERVICE MARK Alt+8480   C-q 2 0 4 4 0 RET
© U+00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN Alt+0169 Alt+g © C-x 8 C
U+2117 SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT Alt+8471   C-q 2 0 4 2 7 RET

How to write the sm℠ service mark symbol?

Unfortunately, there is no standard across all platforms for writing the service mark symbol. Although most platforms recognize it, it is a special character and therefore not all platforms have a quick way to write it.
In Microsoft Office, you can get it using Insert> Symbols as explained above.
This method does not work in other circumstances, such as a web browser. The best solution is to copy the symbol somewhere. If you are an expert user, you can also use the HTML code “& # 8480;

What protection do they offer?

Now that we know how to write them, we are going to study the protection which each of them confers. We have found that our customers use them interchangeably, but it is very important to note that some of them do not confer trademark protection, but rather provide information to people who may infringe your rights.

The TM ™ symbol (and the SM ℠ symbol)

This symbol is used to warn others that you are claiming exclusive use of the mark. Generally, this symbol is used for a mark which has not yet been registered, to indicate that the mark is used and that you will oppose its use by third parties.
However, claiming the brand does not mean that it is protected or that it can be. This symbol can be used even if a trademark is rejected by the trademark office.
In addition to the symbol ™ there is another symbol, less known and less used, the symbol ℠, used for the marks which protect services.
The information in this article is valid for countries where trademark protection and rights are granted to the first user. For countries where the “first applicant” rule applies, these rules do not apply.

The R ® symbol

This symbol R is a warning used in many countries to inform the public that a trademark (for products or services) is registered and legally protected. This symbol can only be used in connection with registered trademarks. In some countries, the use of the ® symbol with unregistered trademarks may lead to legal action, in particular for fraud.

The symbol C ©

This symbol is used to claim copyright in works other than audio.
The © symbol is internationally recognized and is still widely used. However, since the Berne Convention, it has lost its meaning since the copyright is now automatically assigned to the creators.

What is the difference between the ®, TM and SM symbols?

he symbol ® indicates that the sign thus marked constitutes a registered and protected mark for certain products and/or services.

The symbols TM and SM are also widely used and constitute abbreviations of the English words “trademark” respectively “servicemark”.
Although there is no obligation in Switzerland and in most other countries to use these symbols in connection with protected trademarks, they are frequently used to indicate that this is a trademark protected.

The use of the symbols in question in relation to protected marks may however constitute a measure to prevent the mark from becoming the common and generic name of the product which the mark distinguishes. Especially for new and revolutionary products or services there are often no (yet) common names. The risk is then great that the public uses the protected mark as the name of the product, which, if necessary, can make the protection of the mark obsolete or impossible.

For this reason, it is important and recommended to provide distributors and consumers with a common name for a new product (such as for example “multifunction device”) without which there is a significant risk that the public will use the brand as the name of the product. product as such, which may result in the inability to effectively protect the brand in question.

In the United States, for example, the use of the symbol ® in connection with a registered mark constitutes a condition for obtaining, in the context of an infringement lawsuit, extensive compensation for damage suffered.

In some Anglo-Saxon countries and in particular in the United States, the simple use of a mark can obtain exclusive rights to this mark without it being registered. The use of the TM or SM symbols may signal such a right and their use may have advantages in the event of trademark infringement.

In Switzerland and in most countries, trademark protection only exists through formal registration.

From the moment a mark is duly registered for the product or service it distinguishes, the symbol ® can be used without risk. However, as long as the mark has not been formally registered for the product or service in question, or until the mark has been registered but not yet formally registered, the use of the symbol ® should be avoided.

The same principle is valid for the use of the symbol ® with a mark that is not registered in a country where the respective products or services are marketed.

Care should therefore be taken not to use the ® symbol in a misleading manner since misleading or misleading use of this symbol may have undesirable legal consequences.

Difference TM, R, C, SM and Registration Procedure
In the world of product trademarks, we often hear the terms Trademark ™, Registered trademark symbol ®, and Copyright ©, and service mark ℠. Understanding Trademark, registered, copyright, and servicemark is indeed very important for those of you who are doing business and want to develop a brand of your product. Following are some brief explanations of the differences between TM, C, R, and SM
TM Symbol ™ Length: Trademark. TM is a symbol that indicates that words or other symbols are trademarks of the product.
• R Symbol ® Length: Registered Brand. Which means that the mark has been registered with a mark with the issuance of a brand certificate.
• C Symbol © Copyright Extension. Is a logo that is used in the scope of copyright that indicates that the logo is original?
• SM Symbol ℠ Length: Service Mark. Has almost the same meaning as the trademark but is more specific to the service business brand.
• Creator. Is a person / company / organization that has the initiative to use the trademark of a product
• Object of creation. Is a service, product, item, or other symbol that you want to register? Inside there are still many elements such as design and or shape, and or color, and or size, and so on.
• The time “when / where” the work was made or at least announced
The function of the trademark registration is to ensure that no competitor uses the trademark. In other words, you are the main owner of the brand that you are using, without any fear of counterfeiting or abuse of that brand.

See also

Degree Symbol°

Square root symbol

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