Square symbol, text box symbol & Rectangle Symbols (copy and paste)

Box signs / Square symbol are symbols that are commonly used to make the pseudo graphic. All those who have a little more experience with the use of computers should have seen them in those old DOS programs simulating the graphical interface. 


Where square symbols are used

All of these square symbol are part of a large group of symbols called drawing characters. They are used in textual interfaces to make frames and boxes. In graphical interfaces these characters are much less useful because it is easier to draw lines and rectangles directly from the graphical APIs; in fact, these characters only work with monospaced fonts. They are still useful, for plain text comments on web pages.





If we look around, our daily lives are surrounded by symbols, with the most varied meanings and teachings: they are religious, scientific, mathematical signs. Many of them originate in antiquity and continue to this day. This is not surprising, since one of the functions of the symbol is to unify thoughts and values ​​and to be easily transmitted over generations. Therefore, it is important to understand the origin and meaning of the symbols.

In this article, we will learn more about the Square symbol , its origin and meanings.


We call square a flat geometric figure that has four equal sides joined by four right angles (90º). Also known as quadrilateral, it belongs to the universe of parallelograms, whose opposite sides are parallel, as well as rectangles and diamonds.

Considered one of the main symbols of the universe (the others are the point, the circle and the cross), it is not only in mathematics and geometry that the square is popular. It has more mysteries and teachings in its forms than you might think.

Discover now some of the main meanings, usefulness and symbolism of the square in our life.


Visualize a square in your mind. Analyze your lines, shape and angles. Realize that it is made of equal sides, there are no distortions in its closed form. This is the starting point for understanding the symbolism of the square.

Considered a symbol of protection, property and limits, the square represents solidity, stability and order. Closed on its four sides, it can symbolize stagnation, interruption and limits.

It is also associated with masculinity (Yin) as opposed to femininity (Yang) represented by the circle. While the circle represents time in motion, the square represents inertia and the limit. The circle would be the incorporeal, the soul. The square, on the other hand, would be the physical body and the material world.


In the spiritual world, the square is loaded with symbolism. It is one of the main elements used in sacred rituals, together with the circle, the triangle, the star and the moon. In contact with the cosmic universe, while the circle represents the sky, the square represents the Earth. It also symbolizes the four elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water; the four phases of the moon; the four cardinal points and the four seasons. In Christianity, the square still represents the four apostles: John, Matthew, Mark and Luke.


Pythagoras (569 BC – 475 BC), the great Greek mathematician, saw in the square the unification of the four elements of the Universe. They thus constituted a symbol of perfection.

Another direct association of the square with Pythagoras is its famous Theorem for measuring triangles and rectangles, which says that the hypotenuse square is equal to the sum of the side squares. But in this case, the square does not represent a geometric figure, but a number multiplied by itself.


The magic square is a mathematical game that serves to test our logical thinking and ability with numbers. Its origin is uncertain, but there are records of its appearance in an Arab manuscript from the late seventh century.

This game of reasoning consists of a square table composed of nine numerical squares (3 × 3). The numbers are arranged in arithmetic progression, and the sum of each column, row and the two diagonals must always have the same result.


  • Imperfect or defective square : The sum of the lines does not need to be equal to that of the columns or diagonals.
  • Hypermagic square : Obey the rules of the magic square and have other rules. For example: changing 2 columns of place, another magic square is formed.
  • Diabolic square : It is a hypermagic square with much more complex properties and a higher level of difficulty.


In Islam, the square represents the hearts of men, composed of four possible inspirations (paths): the divine, the angelic, the human and the diabolic. The heart of the gods, on the other hand, would have a triangular shape, since it is free from the influence of the devil.

It also appears in another strong symbol of Islam, the Eight Pointed Star, found in mosques, flags and the Koran. It is formed by the overlapping of two squares, with each angle pointing to one side, forming the star.


When reading an Astrological Chart, dividing the 360 ​​° by the number 4, we get 90, which is the value of the distance in degrees between two planets. This is called square. The result of this division is a square, which symbolizes conflict, a zone of tension on that person’s map, which results in an important aspect of his personality.

Also in Astrology, the square symbolizes the four elements that influence our life and define part of our personality: Earth (where we step), Air (which evokes information), Fire (which represents actions and desires) and Water ( our emotions).

Elemental square or element square: the elements Earth, Water, Fire and Air can have two opposite qualities: hot/cold or dry/wet. When they have the same quality, they are called adjacent and when opposite, they are called diagonal.

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