A career is defined as being the succession of positions occupied by a person during his professional life (the Latin root of the word means “progression”). This succession of positions can take place at functional, structural, and/or geographic levels. The notion of career is built through two dimensions: a professional dimension and a personal dimension. From a professional point of view, the concept of career includes the positions occupied, functional and salary developments, leaves, the training plan to maintain employability, and in some companies the concept of mobility. The personal dimension comes into play at important moments in the employee’s life (birth, illness, etc.).
Career plan: the HR function must deal with Generation Y and Z.
Organizations must also integrate the new generations (Y, Z) for whom the notion of career takes into account functional parameters. According to the study, aware that their careers are going to belong. Instead of having one job for life, see their careers in successive phases with changing paths. They are looking for certain stability but also want regular changes, new challenges, and career progression. Even if they hope to advance in their career by staying with the same employer, they are ready, depending on the opportunity, to change to an employer that suits them better. Regarding members of Generation Z, who are starting to arrive on the job market, it is essential to define with them a career plan that meets their expectations, whether in terms of development, remuneration and working environment. Change does not scare them.
These differences in postures and professional aspirations in terms of career planning, depending on the generation, greatly complicate the work of the HR function. Limited at a given time to the performance of operational tasks (management of arrivals, departures and remuneration), the HR function and the company as a whole must in particular today acquire HRIS tools allowing it to concentrate on tasks with high added value (training, recruitment and talent management).
And with HR software?
- Manage the structure of the organization, and simulate the future
- Make each employee an actor in their professional life (administrative management, evaluations, communication, etc.)
- Streamline HR processes and facilitate the professional life of employees, ensure its employer brand and image vis-à-vis candidates and employees
- Communicate with employees to disseminate, for example, the values of the company
- Freeing HR from operational tasks for higher added value tasks
- Quickly identify training needs and be proactive in the development of employees
- Detect high potentials likely to leave the company with intelligent data analysis
- Easily manage salary revisions
- Simplify the analysis of results thanks to a reporting tool
you can use HR recruiting software free from careershop.com
Traditional career plan vs current career plan = Rigidity vs Flexibility.
In 30 years, career plan models have completely evolved. The “traditionalist” employees could easily imagine and realize their entire career in the same company. The notion of mobility was not really present and / or was not a prerequisite to be able to claim a position or to evolve. The career plan was mainly based on seniority, so the HR function had to focus on the needs of the organization and not on individual expectations.Today, the situation has completely changed, the HR function must be in constant search for a perfect symbiosis between the strategic challenges of an organization (profitability, optimization of the use of skills, taking into account potential, etc.) and the motivation of employees seeking personal development. This fulfillment thus requires the definition of an individualized career plan which takes into account the needs of the company and the professional and personal aspirations of the employee.
Why set up HR indicators?
The last few months have shown the importance of reporting to monitor the HR function within organizations. Some companies have had to set up a number of indicators to monitor the impact of the epidemic in real time. Useful in times of crisis, these indicators are just as useful the rest of the time.
The basics in 3 points
- Use your administrative data.
- Learn from it.
- Concentrate on the essentials.
HR responsibility is no longer simply administrative management of personnel files today, it is expected to help employees and managers to be motivated and perform well in their function, to provide strategic advice for the steering.
But how can you produce the HR indicators requested by management mixing headcount, absenteeism rate, performance, mobility or turnover if you only have independent HR applications that cannot communicate with each other? , see no HR analysis or HR business intelligence tool?
Definition of HR indicators
The term indicator may sound complicated and technical. But it is in fact simply quantified statistical data, based on the data at your disposal, and which gives you valuable information on your HR management and the population that your employees represent.
HR indicators, called KPIs (Key Performance Indicator), are measurement tools that provide a synthetic vision of key company data in order to help or steer decision-making, and to measure the effectiveness of actions taken to achieve specific objectives.
Why put in place indicators?
Different reasons can lead organizations to set up HR indicators. The first objective is often to measure the performance of the organization according to several objectives such as recruitment, turnover or training.
Exploiting data is often very interesting for making strategic decisions. Certain very simple indicators such as the age pyramid make it possible to anticipate possible retirements.
Some examples of indicators:
- Recruitment duration: time elapsed between the time the offer is posted and the time the position is filled.
- Internal and external hiring rate.
- Turnover: number of employees who have left / average number of employees.
- Absenteeism rate: number of days of absence per period.
- Volume of training carried out for the entire organization or for each employee.
Discover all the indicators available in the HRIS
What to do with the indicators?
Indicators give you leads that should be used properly. The figures in themselves are not interesting. The main thing is what you do with it. For example, if you notice a high rate of absenteeism in a sector of your company, it may mean that there is a problem of motivation and / or health at work, possibly related to the atmosphere or to the management. It will then be necessary to carry out investigations to understand what is happening.
Ultimately, it will be important to take measures to remedy the symptoms that the indicators have revealed.
Don’t overuse indicators
As we wrote in the introduction, do not multiply the numbers. Many companies come out with a lot of indicators and don’t know what to do with them. Even if you have a magnificent HRIS, initially settle for simple indicators, which you can use, or investigate areas for which you suspect a concern. It is necessary to set up indicators that will allow you to take either immediate measures or strategic decisions for the medium or long term, but above all to anticipate the occurrence of problems within your organization. Note also that a tool such as Adequasys HRIS provides you with many essential indicators that you may need.