Star Symbol & Star Signs Star emoji copy paste text star symbol

Star Symbol

Star Symbol The Star symbol light, hope, energy, freedom, faith, eternity and the search for life. Given its wide use, it is often used to represent very differently, even opposite, concepts, and is therefore perhaps the most paradoxical symbol. The star as the image of a number with the corresponding value. It is a symbol of eternity, … Read more

Infinity Symbol ∞ from keyboard copy and paste Text meaning

infinity sign símbolo infinito

Infinity symbol The infinity symbol ∞ has the form of the number eight lying down, that is, horizontally. It is associated with infinity due to the fact that neither the beginning nor the end of the symbol can be determined since all its elements are connected. This symbol was first used in mathematical studies by … Read more

Checkmark Symbol ✓ – How to Insert in Excel, word & mac

Checkmark Symbol The checkmark symbol has the advantage of triggering the good “done” feeling with just one character. It cannot be found directly on the PC keyboard, we will show you how to easily tick the box in Word or Excel, in HTML, Facebook or elsewhere – as a copy & paste template or using … Read more

Delta symbol – how to type in word Insert delta Δ δ and difference sign ∆

Delta symbol The word symbol, which has its origin in the Greek symbol, is used to designate all kinds of signs (sign, emblem, image), used to represent something, such as, for example, a religious, scientific or cultural concept. Delta Symbol (difference sign ) ∆ is a mathematical sign which, like the capital letter Sigma (sum sign), was derived from the … Read more

Heart symbol Text – love Heart emoji ❤ ♡ ♥ ღ ❣copy paste

Heart symbol The heart symbol represents love, be it from family, friends, couple or neighbor. The heart symbol is often used to express love in the form of affection, support, solidarity, fraternity and fraternity without the need for words. Thanks to the growing use of social networks and virtual conversation platforms, the heart symbol has … Read more

Copyright symbol | how to type with keyboard on mac, Windows and linux

copyright symbol The symbol indicates that a specific work (text, photography,painting, etc.) is protected by copyright, ie that the author has the right to be indicated as the owner of that work. The © symbol is used to point the presence of reserved copyright. It consists of a circled “C”, which derives from the English word … Read more

Square root symbol – make root sign on your keyboard

square root symbol in word and mac RAÍZ CUADRADA

SQUARE ROOT The square root symbol is represented as: √. The square root is an operation where a quantity must be multiplied by itself once in order to obtain a certain number. The square root of a positive real number x is the number whose square is x positive. Any real number x that is positive has a … Read more