Símbolo de Copyright

El símbolo indica que una obra específica (texto, fotografía, pintura, etc.) está protegida por derechos de autor, es decir, que el autor tiene derecho a ser indicado como propietario de esa obra. El símbolo © se utiliza para señalar la presencia de derechos de autor reservados. Consiste en una “C” encerrada en un círculo, que se … Read more


square root symbol in word and mac RAÍZ CUADRADA

El símbolo de la raíz cuadradase representa como: √. La raíz cuadrada es una operación en la que una cantidad debe multiplicarse por sí misma una vez para obtener un determinado número. La raíz cuadrada de un número real positivo x es el número cuyo cuadrado es x positivo. Cualquier número real x que sea positivo tiene una raíz … Read more

Categories es

Símbolo de grado °

El símbolo de grado es un pequeño círculo (°) que se utiliza para indicar el ancho de un ángulo o el valor de la temperatura. Los usos del título son los siguientes si se coloca después de un número o un número decimal entre 0 y 360 indica el ancho de un ángulo expresado en grados sexagesimales. En particular, … Read more

Choosing a Day care: Things to Look Out For

 Choosing a Day care: Things to Look Out For Leaving a baby with someone else for almost an entire day is not an easy thing to go through with, and over that, doing it every working day does not make it any easy. But then again, it is not a decision that one can defer … Read more

Career symbol

A career is defined as being the succession of positions occupied by a person during his professional life (the Latin root of the word means “progression”). This succession of positions can take place at functional, structural, and/or geographic levels. The notion of career is built through two dimensions: a professional dimension and a personal dimension. From a professional … Read more


It is not an official Emoji, but it can be used as a Unicode character. There is another emoji with a meaning similar to PRINTER ICON: (printer), which can be used instead of 🖶 in some cases. The meaning of the emoji symbol 🖶 is PRINTER ICON. 🖶 (1F5B6) There is no Emoji version of this Unicode character, which means that … Read more

Babycare Symbol – How To Get A Baby Logo Design

Child and baby care businesses abound in most cities. They market their services in their own unique ways to attract the attention of customers. But a baby logo design that looks awesome is the key to reaching more potential customers. However, it is not easy to get a baby care logo that speaks for your … Read more


Bidding is the act and the result of bidding : offering something in public tender or auction . The term comes from the Greek word licitatio . There are two broad meanings of bidding. On the one hand, the concept can refer to an auction or auction process : the sale of a good to the highest bidder. Whoever makes the highest bid wins the bid. A tender … Read more

ISO Symbol meaning & What are ISO standards

What is ISO : what does iso mean The word ISO is the abbreviation of several words in English that refers to the International Organization for Standardization, which translates into Spanish the International Standardization Organization, which is responsible for shaping and promoting a system that allows the international standardization of a large number of products and that … Read more

Triangle symbol text emoji symbol (copy paste + keyboard)

triangle symbol

The Triangle symbol is one of humanity’s most mystical geometric symbols. There are so many mysteries and concepts that we often have no idea why, but we always associate it with secret groups, such as the Illuminatis, or with mysterious places that are indecipherable to humanity until today, such as the Bermuda Triangle. But, just as it is wrapped in … Read more